Week of February 9th

Mower verticutting the green


Vertical Mowing the Greens

On Mondays tee times are delayed until 10:00 am so we can do some extra maintenance on the course. Most Mondays throughout the year we vertical mow the greens in two directions to remove leaf tissue, which makes them more firm and smooth, as well as contributing to the overall health of the plant. This process takes four crew members five hours to complete. The mower pulls up a lot of grass clippings that need to be picked up and blown before we do a final roll before the first golfer comes. The 10:00 tee times allow us to do this important job without disrupting golfers.

Vertical mower reels on the front of a mower. As those blades spin into the grass it removes a lot of grass off the green.


Hazard Stake Detailing

We do many things in winter to prepare the course for the summer season. Usually the rain allows us to get off the course and work in the maintenance shop to complete these little projects. This year we are having to mow a lot more but we are finding time to get other things done. One of them that needs to be completed before we aerify greens in March is to detail our hazard stakes. The crew has been busy sanding and staining all of our 260 stakes. The red stakes are completed and being placed back on the course while the yellow will be completed this week. Below is a before and after photo. Our cart signs will be getting the same treatment in the weeks to come.

Before and after hazard stakes.

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